Crop Duster's Association

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Col Hogan
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Crop Duster's Association

Post by Col Hogan »

Curtis, Since Ishie and myself are working on a crop dusting module, I had a passing thought
about using one of your Western platforms. The initial idea is to have a ground level
platform that could be used as a pickup point for a passing crop duster and have it load up
with sacks of Nitrate, fertilizer or a bug killer. So far as I can find, Rich Blake has a product
on DLS as 86661:9310230 Nitrate Sacksets .

My request to you is : would you be willing to re-make your Generic Platform 124060:28031:1
and have the rail line extend about 10ft out away from the platform edge ? This would give clearance
for the extended wings on the plane so they don't contact the platform. :roll:

Instead of having Western passengers, have the Nitrate products available as Rich has on DLS ?
We're also going to have to get the Gmax files for the WW1 bi-plane and have it pick up the
loads as an industry active loco ( or something darned similar).

I sent Ishie a couple of photos of how I wanted it to start looking and perhaps I could send them
here as well so you have my idea to go by.
Any hints are certainly welcome.

Ken 8)

Edited Wednesday night 830pm EST

I suppose I had better show you what I am talking about. Makes it a bit more easy to understand. . .

This is a close-up of the platform in question.

Just another birds-eye view

Looking from the opposite direction

These, of course, are rough drafts and that all of it can be changed. A lot of work is still left to do.
One thing on my mind is to find the script that makes the plane bank on the turns and the sound FX
that make it sound more like a small plane and not have the clickety-clack rail sounds.
I remember something about it but cannot remember where.
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Re: Crop Duster's Association

Post by Pencil »

Yep, no problem. Do you want the nitrate to be auto-generated on the platform, or would you like something to have to deliver it?
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Re: Crop Duster's Association

Post by thegrindre »

He he, LOOKIN" GOOD! Nice show, guys but, I don't think you can stop the clickety clack.
Let me see if I can find any biplane sounds for you.

EDIT: Found some great sounds for a biplane. I've edited them and have 3 sounds for ya.
1. A start up and rev (This is a great SFX)
2. A take off (A little tough to do)
3. And, just cruising along (Nothing special, just a cruisin' loop)

If you want them, e-mail me. I'll try to upload them here, though.
Nope can't upload here. I'm only allowed 256 kb... E-mail will have to do.

Have fun!
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Re: Crop Duster's Association

Post by bdaneal »

Just for fun, give it a steam locomotive engine spec and cab, with a silent engine sound. Listen for the clicky-clacky. IIRC, steam engines do not have the track noise. I might be able (when I say might, I mean I've made a script that basically does this already) to make it have a dieselish engine sound even though it is steam.

So, do I need to get back to the Jenny I started years and years ago? Also, is a Trimotor too big for crop dusting?
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Re: Crop Duster's Association

Post by Pencil »

You started a Jenny? Lol - I was thinking of doing one also - maybe also a mail truck to go with it. I'll step aside, though, and let you finish yours - I have enough unfinished projects anyway (mogul?) ;)

As an aside, I always liked the name of that plane - the manufacturer was (almost) my name, and Jenny is my sister's name :D
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Re: Crop Duster's Association

Post by thegrindre »

He he, those are the sounds I found, from a Jenny. :D

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Re: Crop Duster's Association

Post by Pencil »

Oh, there's a notracksounds tag, but it only works in '06 and later. It wouldn't hurt to put in in a 04 config, though.
Col Hogan
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Re: Crop Duster's Association

Post by Col Hogan »

:D OOOooo boy what an idea that has passed through here. Curtis, I would love to see the platform
have a generated load of sacks. On the other hand, and boy is this a tangent idea - have some kind
of trigger set up on the track area over the field so that once the plane (jenny) gets to that point
the sacks will release a powder and have that effect as he passes over. The whole thing may have
to look like an abbreviated version of a steam release but have it go downwards and spread out.

The distance over the field should be about 6-7 feet and I haven't experienced the "triggers"
situation yet and have no clue how it would work on this kind of release. As I see it over at DLS
Rich Blake has a platform of Nitrate sacks that produces the loads as well. I want to have a large
delivery area for the mainline locos to stop by and leave the sacks. Ben or Curtis if either of you
builds a mail truck (delivery truck) that could be a loco. it could be used as a vendor for the points
of mainline loco delivery then over to the Crop Dusters shed. :mrgreen:

ISH, need a response. :wink:

Much of this early era stuff has been built by Idiotbouy and the bi-plane by jonny211. Got 'em
all from DLS. You may even type in WW1 in the TITLE or DESCRIPTION area to get the tents and
static planes. I have gone into the planes folders and made a re-paint of them so they look more
generic than a WW1 fighter.

Rick, send those SFX I'll be able to hear them on the PC before they go into the game. I'll make
a complete re-install over the holidays and thanks so much for those. I'll have to look at my collection
and see which ones sound good as well.

Ken 8)
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Re: Crop Duster's Association

Post by thegrindre »

OK, you've got mail... :D
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Re: Crop Duster's Association

Post by thegrindre »

Let's see... You're using a Sopwith Camel and they came out in 1917 so a truck around the 1915s-1920s would be about right. Hmmm, Is anybody building one of these and can they make it into a loco?
Wasn't it Whecsailor that built all those cars? He's still around.

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Re: Crop Duster's Association

Post by Pencil »

Col Hogan wrote: have some kind
of trigger set up on the track area over the field so that once the plane (jenny) gets to that point
the sacks will release a powder and have that effect as he passes over. The whole thing may have
to look like an abbreviated version of a steam release but have it go downwards and spread out.
A second industry that accepts the nitrate as an input (sort of like an invisible coal chute) would work. You'd add an unload effect to the biplane similar to that of a hopper car. Should be doable. That would also remove nitrate from the plane's queue, so it could be reloaded.
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Re: Crop Duster's Association

Post by thegrindre »

Here's a model T Ford P.U. that should be right up your alley, too.
seafood-eagle point oyster co. truck.jpg
seafood-eagle point oyster co. truck.jpg (38.23 KiB) Viewed 64590 times
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Re: Crop Duster's Association

Post by bdaneal »

Pencil wrote:You started a Jenny? Lol - I was thinking of doing one also - maybe also a mail truck to go with it. I'll step aside, though, and let you finish yours - I have enough unfinished projects anyway (mogul?) ;)

As an aside, I always liked the name of that plane - the manufacturer was (almost) my name, and Jenny is my sister's name :D
Like I said, years and years ago. I have no idea where the file is or how far I got. If I can't find it, (EDIT: and I can't) I'll let you make it. I may make a Stearman instead, so we can have a little bit of variety in crop dusters.
Don't feel bad about having lots of unfinished projects; I have several engines I started back in '05 or '06 that I still haven't released (SD24, SD9, Uintah 12, DSP&P 2-6-6T, Sierra 38, Frisco 2-10-0, GE 25 tonner, others). Also many scenery items.

I found a picture of an old mail truck here. Unfortunately, it is a little too dark, and the angle isn't the best. Still, it is a starting point.

So, are we now looking at a massive vintage aero infrastructure project that extends past crop dusting to include mail flights and the early passenger air transport industry? If so, I may have to finish my Trimotor. And finally make a Monomail.
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Re: Crop Duster's Association

Post by Pencil »

bdaneal wrote: So, are we now looking at a massive vintage aero infrastructure project that extends past crop dusting to include mail flights and the early passenger air transport industry?
Isn't that the way these things seem to develop? :P
Col Hogan
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Crop Duster's Association

Post by Col Hogan »


The idea for a release would be such that the "trigger" or "platform" would have to be
about 6 to 8 ft above the ground so the plane would not actually be at ground level
to let go of the spray. Since we would have a 'producer' platform over at the hangar
and a 'receiving' platform at the dump site (crop area) then have one made special
where the invisible track would be 6-8 ft elevated for the passover (?).

Now for Ben, you would need a 1920 panel truck or flatbed that would serve as a delivery
vehicle from the mainline freight depot, let's say "Ben's Fertilizers" and have it run out
to the field to make the delivery to the "producer" platform.

I'm not sure of the name of the company of dusters, yet. Also Ben, if you can make
the Stearman, I'll have the SFX for you if you want to give them a try. There are
several. These were recorded from an actual on-site filming of a WW1 battle and sound
very good. Some are included as stereo. If not, I can re-master them to have the stereo
effect for right and left array. Meanwhile, I'll hunt and peck for some Ford Tri-motor
SFX so just in case you feel the need for an old passenger line, we'll be ready.

Thanks guys for all your help. I think this tight little module will be just great.

Ken 8)
"Floundering Around in Mediocrity For No Particular Reason...."
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