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Got a techy question for those in the know...

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:55 am
by thegrindre
What governs the speed of loading? The industry or the car?

Reason I ask is because I want to slow the loading/unloading process down a little on Curtis' new 30" ng ore cars. They start to pull away while they're still loading and unloading.
I'm using my new CDK aggregate track which doesn't roll through for loading. It stops at each car to load/unload instead and the cars start to pull away before they're finished loading/unloading. (I may have just answered my own question after reading my own post. :oops: I'll look at the industry.)

Well, the only tag I found was a 'processes time' in the config file. Changed it from 3 to 15 and it hasn't worked. The .gs file is a .gse file and I can't read that. :?


Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:19 am
by Pencil
You mean the train starts to pull away before the doors close?

iirc, loading is relatively instantaneous. You can, however, add delays in both the car script and the industy script.

For the cars, you can add a sleep statement just before the 'return' in the EndLoad and EndUnload subroutines. Just copy the sleep statement in the beginning of those routenes, then change the 10.0 to the number of seconds you'd like it to wait after closing the door (maybe 2-3?)

For the industy, you also would add a sleep statement somewhere in the script (in the loading / unoading section).

I'll make this change to my boxcar this weekend, if you'd prefer to wait until then.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:27 pm
by thegrindre
Hold it! It's your ore cars that I want to slow down a little. :shock: I want to add a second or two or three to slow them down... :roll:

I posted this thread so we wouldn't get confuse as to what we're talking about and doing. :lol:


Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:35 pm
by Pencil
lol - silly me :D Sometimes I just read too quickly...

Yeah, the LARS stuff is all encrypted, unfortunately.
However, you can slow the cars down in the same way by adding the sleep command. Unfortuately, those cars don't have a 'EndLoad' routine, as it wasn't needed.
How much of a delay would you like? It doesn't have to be the same for loading and unloading. For unloading, I can also stretch the particle effects out, also.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:40 pm
by thegrindre
Probably a couple or three seconds more I'd guess. They should take a little time to load and unload.



Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:03 pm
by Pencil
OK, try this file & see if it adds a delay for you:

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:03 am
by thegrindre
This is a very interesting re-write you've done. Not sure I would keep it as written and I'll try to explain why.
The train now pulls the car(s) onto the track and pauses BUT the car(s) don't load/unload until after they're triggered to do so which make them work as they did before you re-wrote this file. They are still pulling away before they are fully loaded or unloaded.
In other words, the delay isn't working in the proper place. It has to come in AFTER they are triggered to load or unload or at least after the loading/unloading process and not before.
Another little quirk this has caused is that the train now loads/unloads two cars at a time instead of one.

It now works like this;
1. Train pulls car onto track and pauses a second or two
2. Car loads/unloads and starts pulling away as it did before

It should work like this;
1. Train pulls car onto track
2. Car loads/unloads THEN pauses a second or two
3. Train pulls another car onto track

Am I making any sense?

Personally, I would leave well enough alone unless you just wanted to try to perfect them, IMHO.

Thanks for the effort although I wonder if it's worth it...


Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:11 am
by Pencil
Very odd - those changes should have slowed it down at the end of the loading / unloading sequence. I'll get the CDK industry, and do some experimentation.