I've been a bit busy as of late, sharpening up my route-making skills and recreating a model railway layout I've found on the internet of the Tonopah & Tidewater/Bullfrog Goldfield/Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad route between Springdale and Goldfield, NV, originally created by a Nevin W.
Here's how the route looks as of now.

Springdale, NV, with a mine and the mill for the Springdale Mining & Milling Co. just across the tracks from the depot.

The Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad and Bullfrog Goldfield Railroad followed nearly the same route with one another going north to Goldfield from Beatty. However, when they merged in 1914, they had to abandon portions of their routes and knit the two halves of their routes together in order to save costs.
Parts of the original roadbeds have been included in the layout, as seen above, with the BGRR coming up from Springfield and going to the left, whereas the LV&T came up from the right and we follow their tracks now to Bonnie Claire and Goldfield.

The town of Bonnie Claire, NV, with just three dilapidated buildings on Main Street, a old freight depot, a massive water tower and what I believe to be a mill on the north-east end.

The tracks continue through the mountains past Bonnie Claire, snaking its way through a cut and over a trestle before passing another gold mine en route to Goldfield.

As seen on the right, are the sidings of the Goldfield Consolidated Milling & Transportation Co., who own and operate a few mines along with a huge reduction sampling works and 100-stamp mill just outside of Goldfield (not enough room to picture it on the layout.

Here we are coming into Goldfield, with the LV&T locomotive facilities here, and a wye for turning around locomotives and cars.

And finally, the LV&T yard and depot at Goldfield. Center building is the passenger depot, and the one on the left is for freight. On the far right is Main Street, where there are supposed to be some multiple-story buildings. I am hoping to use JointedRails's new downtown buildings they released for Christmas, but for the life of me I can't find them on their website.

Of course, since the Tonopah & Tidewater, Bullfrog Goldfield, Las Vegas & Tonopah and Tonopah & Goldfield Railroads are so neglected in the Trainz community and no one's really ever bothered to make proper rolling stock for them, I've had to improvise.

These are reskins I've done of Bdeanel/Pencil42's V&T #27 to resemble Tonopah & Tidewater's Nos. 9 and 10, as they would've looked around the 1930's or 40's. In the 1910's however, they would've had white lining, which I plan to add on later. Bdaenal's 4-6-0 with the UP 4-4-2 Vanderbelt tender made a nice stand-in for Bullfrog-Goldfield Railroad #12.

I've also done a few boxcars of the T&T, T&G, along with Santa Fe (1890's era), based off some of Pencil42's splendid-looking wooden boxcars, along with a flatcar and gondola for the Bullfrog Goldfield set to automatically number themselves after ones that were actually on the BG roster. Managed to find a list of what they had, they had a very small amount of rolling stock which can all easily be made for Trainz.

Colorado71 and Shortline2 have also made some nice coaches which I've managed to reskin into T&T Combine #12 and Smoker Car #22.

(The gondola prototype isn't accurate to the real ones... but at least it matches the one seen on the layout. I shall make a reskin with a suitable prototype later)

(Right shape of windows, but its supposed to be 4-wheel trucked instead of 6-wheel trucked, that's because I have not yet been able to fit the right sort of trucks on the car at the moment. Will try to fix it later.)
Well, that's all I got for now. I will be adding on stuff here and there before it's final state. Of course, I will be releasing it when it's done, but I'm not sure about the rolling stock though, may have to get permission to do that and find a site to host them on. Anyways, hope you guys like it!
If you would like to compare with the real layout, go to this website: